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The Club

Formed in 2001 Shirehunters is a hunting and fishing club based in the Sutherland Shire south of Sydney. Created with the idea of bringing together like minded, keen hunters and fishers the club has grown and has over 30 active members as well as over 80 members on our hunting forum. The clubs goal is to create a place where members can gather and discuss hunting/fishing topics as well as plan and organise hunts together. Membership is open to all interested persons. All you need to do is download the Membership Form....... [top]

Club Hunts

Each season Shirehunters organises up to 5 Club Hunts. These hunts take place in NSW State Forests under the NSW DPI R-Licence Scheme. Hunts are open to all financial members and those with a valid R-Licence. Announcements are made on the clubs Forum prior to the events so bookings can be made. However due to restricitions on the number of hunters per forest bookings are limited. Only those with valid permission to hunt letters will be allowed access to the camp coordinates....... [top]

***These hunts are run by Shirehunters for our Members. Any Members caught bringing the club into disrepute will be subject to immediate disicplinary action.***

Club Meetings

Club meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm. Meetings take place at Club Heathcote (Address below). All Members and guests are welcome to attend the meetings. Executive Committee members are usually in attendance and can take New Memberships, Conduct R-Licence testing and answer any questions you have have regarding the club. These nights are a great social way to get out and meet new hunters and catch up with friends....... [top]

DPI R-Licence Testing

Shirehunters is a DPI Approved Hunting Organisation (AHO). We can conduct R-Licence Testing for Members and Non Members. If you require an R-Licence test pleae email R-Licence Enquiry. Alternatively you can attend a club meeting for testing.......[top]


Shirehunters has various pieces of equipment available to use free of charge for it's Members. These include a First Aid Kit, Laser bore sighter, Chronograph, BBQ and Gazebo's. All bookings to use the club equipment can be made on the forum. As time goes on the club will add to this list of items and make them available. Suggestions for new items should be directed to the Equipment Manager via the Forum.......[top]